Welcome to We Are Fire
A Toolkit for Applying Indigenous-Led Fire Practices and Western Fire Management in the Saskatchewan River Delta
tawaw kinanaw oma iskotēw: oma apacīcikan oci ininiwak ka nīkanōtak iskotēw kākētwam itotamowina ēkwa pakisimōtāk iskotēw ōpimpanītowāk ōta kisiskāciwani-sīpiy maskēko askīy
Listen to Cree
The We Are Fire Toolkit is an online knowledge product that invites you to learn about and explore uses of fire on the land.
The Toolkit shares wise practices and related resources on Indigenous-led fire practices and settler and state-led fire management for Indigenous Peoples and wildlife in the Saskatchewan River Delta in northern Saskatchewan (Canada).
As you navigate the We Are Fire Toolkit, consider taking a holistic perspective based on ecological, spiritual, socio-cultural and economic dimensions to understand and appreciate uses of fire on the land.
Where possible, we weave Cree translation (local Swampy Cree dialect) throughout the We Are Fire Toolkit in written or audio formats.
Click on the speaker icon next to specific words, phrases and statements in the We are Fire Toolkit to hear the Cree translation.
We thank Laura Chaboyer (Muskrats to Moose Project Team Member) for sharing her voice and Cree translation with all of us.
2022: Highlights from the inaugural We are Fire camp—honouring fire reconciliation in the Saskatchewan River Delta.
Citation: Muskrats to Moose Project Team (2023). We Are Fire: A Toolkit for Applying Indigenous-led Fire Practices and Western Fire Management in the Saskatchewan River Delta. http://www.wearefire.ca.

2022 Inaugural We are Fire Camp participants in the Saskatchewan River Delta.
Copyright © 2025 Muskrats to Moose Project Team